Sir, Please Don’t Beat Me Up When We Get Back To Your Precinct

Sir, Please Don’t Beat Me Up When We Get Back To Your Precinct

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49 thoughts on “Sir, Please Don’t Beat Me Up When We Get Back To Your Precinct

  1. U know damn well there's good cops….

    Out of the 25 or so I've met. There's 2 that were top notch, awesome dudes, who themselves loved the Bill of Rights.

    I guess that's not good odds eh? Lol

  2. Yea it's fucked up but with no statement from her claiming he put his hands on her or evidence he was out in 2-3 days. Again, really shitty. But his life isn't ruined. Just next half of the week. He probably shouldn't stay with her tho..

  3. Domestic Disturbance or Domestic Violence?
    The difference between domestic disturbance versus domestic violence generally has to do with whether you put your hands on someone, you touched them or you caused another object to touch them. Domestic violence can be considered a misdemeanor or a felony depending on a variety of factors which tend to include another crime.

  4. Garbage!! And it happens everyday in every city in ever department. Makes me sick. Blue line doesn't mean shit except your going to jail and if u have enough time, money, lawyer, etc. Then you can buy ur way out of being held hostage and against your will. Guilty till proven innocent. F#=%! Blue line

  5. Frankly he screwed as if there's no one else to say he didn't do anything they will take her word,and of course woman don't lie to get a man out the house.

  6. I love how they always have to say, "I don't care that you're recording." It shows how fucking out of touch they are. They think people record them simply to upset them as if there couldn't be ANY OTHER REASON citizens would want to record police interactions…

  7. If you were a better person you would find that the police will in fact walk up to you and tell you all the details. I have never seen such utter disrespect from one human being to another.

  8. Hi James,

    I've noticed the video quality on your vids and would like to offer my help as a professional filmmaker (and videoproduction company owner) if you have any questions about camera equipment or set ups, tips or advice.

    I usually film with a URSA Mini Pro, but also own Blackmagic PCC6k and 4k, ZCAM E2, GH5, Inspire 2 for aerial shots etc.

    I also own many lenses, stabilizers and such. I like your channel and wouldn't mind helping you out if you need some advice on how to get a better picture in your uploads.



  9. I personally witnessed Shelby County police officers in Memphis Tennessee wake up the black man in the cell next to me and beat his ass in the middle of the night. Shelby County police officers also handcuffed a friend of mine to a chair his hands behind his back the handcuffs through the slats of the chair then slapping his smart mouth and knock him over and then pick him up by his hair shaking his head and they continue to do that cuz he had a smart mouth.


  11. Starts by aggressive yelling then turns to please sir I didn't touch her u gunna believe her cuz she white and I'm black 😂😂😂

  12. Never Ever Ever Call Violent Thugs over an argument. My Gawd!! Now this guy will have an arrest for DV on his record. F'd Up!!! I get it, he said, she said, but without evidence now he must PROVE his innocence.

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