Suspect for Abduction/Robbery Pattern in the 8th District [VIDEO] Blotter

Suspect for Abduction/Robbery Pattern in the 8th District [VIDEO]  Blotter

Special Victims Unit and Northeast Detectives are investigating an Abduction/Robbery pattern that has developed in Northeast Division. This pattern is based on modus operandi, description of offenders, geographic proximity, and vehicle used. Inspector Gillespie and Lieutenant will provide detailed information on these investigations and suspects.

Incident #1:

On June 27, 2023, at 4:20 AM The complainant was walking north on the 12XXX block of Academy Rd when two unknown black males robbed her point of a gun. Several items were taken from her after she was forced into a white U-Haul cargo van. The complainant was punched in the face by another offender as she exited a U-Haul while the driver fired his handgun twice at her.

  • Suspect Description: 4 black males, late teens, all wearing black clothing and black ski masks, two offenders were armed with black handguns.

Incident #2:

On June 27, 2023, 5:00 AM the complainant was inside his vehicle on the 63XX block of Roosevelt Blvd using the TD Bank drive-through when a white U-Haul cargo van pulled up and blocked his exit path. Two offenders then exited the U-Haul pointing guns at him. In spite of their demands, he was unable to withdraw money from the ATM machine. They then demanded the complainant’s vehicle and both offenders then fled in his 2011 black Mercedes Benz.

  • Suspect Description: 3 black males, late teens to early 20’s, wearing black masks and armed with black handguns.

Incident #3:

On June 28, 2023, at 3:40 AM the complainant was walking on the 92XX block of Delaware Ave when two unknown black males pulled up to him in a white U-Haul cargo van, pointed black handguns at him, and forced him inside the van. They told him they would kill him if he didn’t provide money. They drove to a local convenience store located on the 91XX block of Frankford Ave where the complainant withdrew $300 from the ATM. In an attempt to get more money, they went to a gas station located on the 10XXX block of Frankford Ave but were not able to withdraw any money. The complainant was told to transfer money using a banking app. He called his mother to do so, and she sent him an additional $300. His phone was taken, then they fled in an unknown direction.

  • Suspect Description:
    Suspect #1: Black male, brown complexion, hazel eyes, 5’6”-5’7”, 20 years-of-age, wearing all black and military-style boots, armed with guns and an asp.
    Suspect #2: Black male, dark complexion, 6’0”-6’1”, 20 years-of-age, heavy set, wearing a gray Champion hoodie with “Champion” in blue writing across the chest and black pants.
  • To view this video and more, visit The Philadelphia Police YouTube Channel or

If you have any information about this crime or these suspects, please contact:
Special Victims Unit:
DC 23-08-022299

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