Mike and Dave are joined by “Officer Butthurt” who regales us with the most epic poop tale known to man. Have a better one? Share it by joining our patreon for just $1/month where you’ll get full video version of podcasts plus extra content and rewards. Obviously you can comment here but it isn’t the full story for comparison 🙂

PATREON: http://www.patreon.com/mikethecop

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/off-the-cuff/id1273632144?mt=2

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/mike-the-cop/the-greatest-poop-story-of-all-time-off-the-cuff-episode-8

OFFICER BUTTHURT did not wish to have his face on camera and if you don’t see this in the description and comment on it below, you run the risk of merciless mocking.

SHOP: http://store.mikethecop.tv
INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/mike_thecop
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/realmikethecop
TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/mike_thecop
SNAP: mike_thecop1
INTRO MUSIC: “You Hear Dat” by https://www.instagram.com/bookem_382/

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


49 thoughts on “The Greatest Poop Story of All Time | OFF THE CUFF: EPISODE 8 CLIP”
  1. Alright folks, despite the fact that I have been posting blatantly titled "CLIPS" of my podcast on YouTube for a couple of months now, this one seems to have stirred the pot more than normal. So, I'll address that here in a pinned comment:

    1. I am blatant about it. I have a Patreon where the full video + all kinds of other extras are available. I don't apologize for that. Time, energy and equipment isn't free to grow the quality and quantity of content. It's that simple. Besides, almost all of my video content from the last couple of years I've been doing videos are completely open and available for free anyway. It's only the full podcast that isn't.

    2. I will not lose sleep over the fact some people cannot read 🙂 I post in the description that the full audio of the podcast is available on iTunes or SoundCloud….for FREE. If you're too lazy to go listen, then you probably already aren't the kind of person who would like my content. That's ok, you don't have to watch my stuff or follow me. 96% of my YouTube videos are available with no extras posted elsewhere and most "clips" as I have titled them are mostly self-contained as its own video anyway.

    3. I may choose to simply put no clips up of the podcast at all on YouTube as a platform but rather just mention that I have a podcast and people that want to go watch or listen can.

    But at the end of the day, I stand behind my content and future plans for it and appreciate all of you who have helped support and encourage me along the way. I continue to make content for you to enjoy 🙂 For the haters, you help me to grow to so come back and invite your friends.

  2. I have a personal greatest poop story, not sure if it can top this though. Long story short, and I mean a literal long story, when I went through Air Force Basic Training I was so stressed out that I went a whole 16 days without pooping. Ended up having to go to the hospital where I was prescribed two different kinds of laxatives, a stool softener, and a painkiller because according to the doctor, “It’s going to hurt coming out… This will alleviate some of the pain.” I was up all night birthing the behemoth growing inside of me. Trust me when I say, that’s cutting the story way down!

  3. Got a question for you Mike the cop have you ever been hated buy family for pursuing a career in law enforcement 😥 ps thanks for the video I could use some cheering up

  4. These videos make up for the shitty news stories on my social media feeds. This is my go to channel for a laugh or a lesson. Thanks Mike. Stay blessed.

  5. Well played Sir… Great marketing move! While saddened I applaud your creativity to increase patreon!

  6. Sorry, I donate money when I feel like it, not when I'm coerced. I even bought a Texas Proud T-shirt because I apprecaited what that effort supported. Unsubscribing. It was fun while it lasted.

  7. Why do police officers wear different colored uniforms? Does it have to do with rank or where you work? The most common uniforms I see are black and white, so I don't know if there are other colors, but this is just something that came to mind.

  8. Mike, are people that dumb or are they too lazy to read the description and watch it on a different platform for free? I guess all that clicking must be tiresome.

  9. Hey +Mike the Cop, thanks for commenting under my video, but when are you going to explain how you have the authority to decide which laws you will and will not enforce, and against whom? Do you only ticket black people, or just anyone you do not like in general? How do you get to ignore the laws of the legislature if the person who broke the law is your friend? Thanks! 🙂

  10. Great story, made for a good night on shift. I even liked all the lead up banter between everyone. You do a great job and I want to thank you for providing it for free on soundcloud.

  11. Mike, I appreciate the content you provide and the fact that so much of YouTube has been demonetized but I resent the fact that you start this story and use it to try and get people to sign up for Patreon.  This is right up there with click bait and transexual hookers…..for shame!

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  13. Research has revealed a strong connection between occupational stress and alcohol and drug abuse, but also a strong sub-cultural more among police officers that encourages drinking both for social and stress-reduction purposes. Alcohol consumption among police officers is also correlated with officer suicides and domestic violence, and many departments are beginning to recognize the liability in allowing this problem to go untreated.

    Just putting out out there

  14. THE NFL is paying for protesting players. And Good. I don’t think all cops are bad. But if you ever help a Bad cop out of the mess he gets into Are you any better then he is. They say one bad apple. Right. And where can a cop go if the top commanders are the worst of the bunch ? Look at the FBI now James Comey is the face of law enforcement.

  15. F##k, I need a drink, and I'm almost off
    At the precinct, it's like an AA meeting all gone wrong
    I.A. got an eye, on my close friend guy for taking a supply from evidence from a bust on a buy
    That doesn't concern me, we never rat on each other
    We went through the academy, just like frat brothers.
    Now I'm on my way, back to the station to check out
    So I can go home, relax, take a drink and think about my abrupt change, out of the clean, to the corrupt
    Lookin through the eye of the ###, I'm all f##ked.

    It’s kinda like cypress hill
    Has friends in the LAPD
    That help with the Lyrics. IDK

  16. I love how mad people get when you ask for support for content you make on your own dime. (especially since it says you can watch for if free in the description) If I'm correct, "back in the day" you had to pay for your comedy and information through monthly cable fees to watch content on TV channels 😂 Now that the internet supplies everything for free, people feel entitled to it. Keep doing what you're doing man. I'm new to your channel, but love the videos, and LOVE your replies to these comments haha. I hope to be able to support you on patreon sometime!

  17. Can you explain "decriminalization" of a substance? Such as Marijuana in some states?

    When could you be arrested in a state for a decriminalized substance? If a cop SMELLED weed for example, could they knock on the door and demand a search with probable cause? What is the furthest they could go?

    I love your videos, long time subscriber <3

  18. i really enjoyed mikes videos before, but for the past couple of weeks it basically just became a trailer show for patreon. yes, i know. times are hard, but i simply don't have the money to pay for a video or 2 a week when i can get more interaction and content by supporting people on twitch. =/

  19. Overdrafts a dollar to finish the story.
    Gets asked why he over drafted
    Oh you know just wanted to hear a "crappy story"

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