Torrance Police – Excellence Through Teamwork

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


20 thoughts on “Torrance Police – Excellence Through Teamwork”
  1. You are right about city council and mayor….except victims get no checks, they get retaliated and falsely accused of crimes

  2. At 2:45 describing the conflict of interest of those that represent the tax payers and those same that elect the city council members; this little description is what we at the local level can make a very noticeable difference. Especially at the street level that happens outside your front door. Just by accident, please attend your local city, town hall or county monthly meetings. Just search "county of __, or city of ___, your ZIP Code and "town hall" , many ways to attend. Even if you say or do not interact; at least YOU are THERE. Be a average human and influence those that spend your tax payer money! We in numbers (your neighbor) at the lowest, local level CAN make a difference. Be the one that begins in YOUR area. No, ……like now!

  3. Only in California with the anti guns laws. No 30 round magazine for assault rifles, no 15,17 round magazines for pistol.

  4. This is why non-violent people are becoming violent. And why fewer and fewer people give a shit when a cop gets killed. And all this could be get better, if the cops gave a fuck about anyone besides themselves.

  5. Torrance Police mission statement: No mention of Constitution or Rights of Citizens:
    The Torrance Police Department mission is to preserve public safety and quality of life within the City of Torrance, to respond effectively to the changing needs of the community, and to promote mutual respect between the Police Department and the people we serve.
    State of Califonia Oath Of Office: maybe you should start handing these out.

  6. Yeah, ditto. Outstanding naration. Cool, calm, told us what we could not hear because you kept your distance. It may very well have been you that kept them out of jail. Take ten attaboys out of petty cash.

  7. ..thuggery begets the hiring of more thugs.. it's a cycle that needs to be broken.. they have no other skills and they've never had to defend the US Constitution like all the brave souls who died and shed blood for it.. so now they are pointing their weapons at the law abiding citizen's who pay their bloated salaries.. benefits.. pensions.. an effort to extort more and more money.. but it will never be enough.. we will be totally enslaved unless we put a halt to this tyranny now.. they know their time is short.. just by taking back the 2nd Amendment.. with everyone having the ability to defend themselves will demonstrate how useless and unnecessary they are..

  8. This video and commentary accurately depicts what this country has become; pathetic how the citizens have allowed the politicians and "peace officers" to control the average, everyday person walking or driving down the street, that we pay for.
    What was the point of the non stop talking to the girl? Did the police thug think he has the ability to change her future or thoughts, or was he on a power trip so he could stroke his small bacon later? Protect and serve, my ass dude; you're just a dickhead police dude that has not earned the public's respect. Probably never will.
    Excellent video and very accurate commentary with a bit of history. This video should be part of the syllabus of all history classes taught in middle, high school and jr college. We have to teach our young people that we the people do have rights over those we pay taxes to, and it's okay to protest and speak out against those you elect and represent you at the local, state and federal levels.
    If the police are scared and they believe we have to "understand" their position, then they are in the wrong line of work to collect a pay check. Police do not have the right to step on the constitution while performing their duties. If you're afraid of the public while on payroll, change your job. This is still a free country in that sense.

  9. Powerful video and commentary, man. One question: do you know why the couple was pulled over in the first place? Did they point the gun or something?

  10. Katman, your running editorial and narrative here is stunning, poignant, important. Thank you. Police routinely and effectively convert the assertion of the 1st, 4th, 5th amendments into crimes.

  11. Doing the lords work…police state USA! What a disgrace this country has become I'm embarrassed to American and all cops should be ashamed of their profession it's disgusting what these systems do to good people

  12. They are paid too much money to handle being afraid! The public does not have to understand their Retardo views which only benefit the corrupt attitude! I loved the string story because thats the way it was when I grew up but unfortunately the police have become militarized, but they don't like it when people shoot at them which is what happens when you are in the military, go figure. Have a great Turkey Day!

  13. AMERICANS COPS WHO COME TO PICK THE FIGHT….This is a prime example that 98% of cops comes to initiate the altercation, meaning they comes to pick the fight then charge you with assaulting them. What logic is this? You Americans cops are funny to me in a pathetic way. A FUCKING JOKE IN MY EYES.

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