please call LAPD Rampart Division
Being held on CA PC 148(a)(1) obstructing a police officer (not giving ID)
** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **
Philly Finest City Wide Law Enforcement News
please call LAPD Rampart Division
Being held on CA PC 148(a)(1) obstructing a police officer (not giving ID)
** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **
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furry potato has 19 subs total. let's break 500 as a treat when she gets outta jail in the morning :
oh, I thought he was a he…
Jane Doe can not make bail. And there are plenty on Jane Doe / John Doe warrants. It is a good way to f someone over .
You're homosexual Johnny taco you call a man she that makes you a homosexual
If you Google Scott Crabtree it states bee sting is a Pagan, Wicken, He's single and made less then 10gs last year and is worth a dollar, seriously a fukin dollar!! Its under my life under his name check it out
Wait a minute did you say SHE? Cuz that furry potato is a dude…
Does Furry Potato go to a men or women's jail?
OK, I subscribed to Furry potato's channel, thanks for all that you do Furry Potato, Johnny five o, James, Patrick, Nomad, and NNH. I watched you guys here streaming Live in Texas, …I didn't know it could be this much fun watching Tyrants being held accountable.. 🙂
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure he SUES them and bankrupt their ass !!!
┌∩â”(â—£_â—¢)┌∩â”Take this DOUBLE flip-off you
JBTs (Jack Booted Thugs) = (TYRANTS & LIARS)
Good video my dude
help keep me on the road
769 lets make it an even 1000
😂😂😂 Bee sting face 😂😂😂
He sure looks and sounds like a guy. Why is everyone saying she" ?
I do not understand. What Morro Bay has to do with LAPD, Morro bay has their own PD ?????
More hard working morro bay police
Check out Martinelli v City of Beaumont from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeal.s It says arresting someone under 148 for failure to ID is a fourth amendment violation.
hahha just found this LOL
I wouldn't mess with LAPD…….
I easily found the Morro Bay Tourism bureau. I wrote a scalding review as far as photography is concerned. Phone: [805] 225-1633 and 1[800]231-0592. Hit these bastards where it hurts!! I called Ed there and asked about points of interest,and was told about the rock. I asked about old buildings,including Police stations,to which he said that I'd be welcome to film any of the old buildings,but when I asked about getting arrested for filming the station,he said that maybe I should choose another Town to visit. Really interesting and maybe time for more calls!!
Holding her to let her injuries heal maybe??
as a meber of the chamber commerce Brett Landry & Jen should have though about that and as a public employee of the towns tourism board Jen littles should of though of that also but they didn't.. hmm ill have to look into "donna" and see if she works for the city also
Morro Bay….come on vacation, leave on probation (you rule josh)
Amazing how well versed every cop is in 148 (a) yet none of them have heard of 148 (g). They know about the sections that expand their powers of arrest but not the sections that restrict it.
Furry potato is a HE .a HIM ,a MAN.
California Penal Code Section 148(a) PC: Resisting Arrest
1. Definition and Elements of the Crime
Resisting Arrest under California Penal Code Section 148(a) PC is a broadly defined criminal offense that makes it illegal to intentionally resist, delay or obstruct a law enforcement officer or emergency medical technician from performing his or her lawful duties. The "lawful duties" in question include almost any action performed in connection with their job, and is not limited to the act of performing an arrest.
Resisting Arrest under California Penal Code Section 148(a) PC requires the following elements:
– The "victim" was a peace officer or EMT lawfully performing or attempting to perform his or her lawful duties
– The defendant intentionally resisted, obstructed or delayed the performance of these duties AND
– When the defendant acted, he or she knew that the officer/EMT was performing a lawful duty
The offense of Resisting Arrest is not limited to the act of performing an arrest, and can apply to any lawful duty. Preventing a law enforcement officer from interviewing witnesses or moving freely around a crime scene, or keeping an EMT from accessing a victim would all be examples of "Resisting Arrest."
***A peace officer is not lawfully performing his or her duties if that officer is using unreasonable or excessive force. In such cases, attempts to prevent an officer from using inappropriate force would not be considered Resisting Arrest.
2. Examples
Police have been called to the scene of a Domestic Violence incident involving a husband and wife. The responding officers determine that the man is the aggressor and attempt to arrest him and remove him from the home. Instead of complying with the arrest, the man purposely goes limp and the officers are required to drag and carry him in order to perform the arrest. In this situation, the man could be charged with Resisting Arrest in violation of California Penal Code Section 148(a) PC, even though he did not actively fight or resist the officers. The intentional act of going limp qualifies as "resisting" under the statute.
However, in another example an extremely drunk man is passed out on the sidewalk and is blocking pedestrian traffic. In order to arrest this man for Drunk in Public pursuant to California Penal Code Section 647(f) PC, officers are required to lift and drag him to the back of the police car. This man would not be criminally liable for Resisting Arrest because he did not intentionally make himself limp, and Resisting Arrest requires an intentional act
**Defenses to Resisting Arrest**
It is not illegal to resist an officer who is using excessive force or violence and is acting in an unlawful manner. In these situations, there would be a valid Self-Defense claim to any subsequent charge of Resisting Arrest.
In addition, this is often an area in which there may be False Accusations of Resisting Arrest, especially where the officer may feel they have been disrespected. In these situations, a defense may be explored by closely examining the conduct and history of the officer.
I found the above written content on the website for a local attorney get in Los Angeles. I think it's important to note that there are three sections that MUST be present in order for this law to have been broken and if only 2 out of 3 items are present, well, then this is not the correct penal code for the offense allegedly committed so it's easy to fight it in court with the help of a competent attorney with knowledge in still defense or resisting arrest/delaying the duty of an officer.
If Furry Potato was in the process of committing a lawful constitutionally protected act, and was stopped by officers, and she did not provide identification, she did not do anything wrong since "failure to ID" is only an ADD ON charge so there had to be an actual committed, and she would have to have been lawful arrested, and THEN and only THEN if she does not provide identification (full name and birth date ONLY as required by law) then she can be charged with an "additional charge" of failure to ID or delaying the officers duty as stated in 148-a-1. So since there was no primary charge I don't believe she can be charged with delaying an officer considering the investigation did not pertain to hey and she was not under arrest for a primary charge. 148-A-1 cannot be a primary Custer when it pertains to failure to ID ONLY. IT can be a primary charge if it's referring to another aspect of the situation such as the officers came out to perform some sort of investigation and she delayed then by getting in their way, it blocking their way of travel, it keeps interfering with them by harassing then in some way. Hope the information helps. In sure you probably know most of what I mentioned but I wrote it down anyway to help just in case you or anyone else might be going through something like this and wasn't familiar with the actual "law" that they are being charged with. Sometimes the officer just simply chargers you with the wrong "code" violation and in that case it's the fault of the officer and you get off because although you may have committed a crime, the crime you are charged with is NOT the one that you committed. Sher could have for example been guilty of disorderly conduct (which is a bullshit law of you ask me) but the officer by mistake charged her with the interference so she could easily beat of of the DA doesn't think of changing the chargers with the court.
One of the most important aspect of this "penal code" is it states the alleged crime had to be committed during the police officers performance of his "lawful duty". In Furry Potato's case, the police were not performing lawful activity considering their orders were unlawful and had no merit. The law is very clear that you are not breaking the law of the officers orders are unlawful and that you even have the right to go as far as fighting back against the officer if he or she is using unnecessary force.
Another easy way to beat the case.
Just subbed, on 560 now!!
Did she give them her information when being booked into jail?
Morro bay come on vacation leave on probation
(805) 234-6266 Scott's phone number
Furry potato is a guy, not a chick.
I have to wonder if some of the auditors are familiar with the story, "The Boy Who Cried Wolf".
Arrested and charged with what?
Morro Bay PD…..are you listening
In other words….Contempt of cop
Me thinks thou are setting forth towards to Texas.
we need to start looking into suing the state, then maybe the governor will start coming down hard on the corrupt police departments. they represent the state as well as the city as they are sworn in with the governors blessing to allow the city to police itself, if the governor don't care who is taking the oath then we should look into making him care,
i bet the governor can get something done with this.
this is just crazy that cops dont know or if they do know then they just don't care about citizens simplest rights
this city is so worries about a bunch of people coming to their town and not spending any money there, then why in the hell did they start a fight they will not win, in fact, they 100% cannot win this sort of battle. infringing on a persons rights is more criminal then over half the laws they have on the books, right up there with murder and rape. they are trying to make their own laws to suit them with only wanting more power over the people they sworn to protect, nothing less of that. they are killing our constitution, the very thing they sworn to uphold and protect.
anyway, i really hope a high up in that city reads and understands the things to come if this crap dont stop. they just might end up losing their whole police force if they get sued enough, other stations have went under because of their dumbass police putting the city they serve in to much debt.
So, really look into suing the state as well as that city. it might just wake up the governors to do something.