UNDERWATER SECRETS: Missing Person(s) Search in Chicago! – Everything Law and Order Blog

Our first day in Chicago unveiled a staggering discovery – over 30 vehicles lying beneath the water’s surface, a testament to the untold stories waiting to be revealed. Amid the iconic skyline of the Windy City, our dive into the depths is not just a search but a solemn promise to those waiting on the shore for answers that have eluded them for too long.

🎬.. Search Efforts in Chicago
Day 1 This Video
UNDERWATER SECRETS: Missing Person(s) Search in Chicago!

Day 2
CHICAGO COLD CASES: 31 Cars Found in River!.. (pt2)

Day 3
THE MISSION: 6 Chicago Missing Persons Cold Cases (pt3)

As we navigate the complex tapestry of Chicago’s waterways, including Lake Michigan’s clear expanse and the winding paths of its rivers, our resolve strengthens. Each vehicle we uncover, each piece of the puzzle we piece together, brings us closer to unraveling the mysteries that have haunted these waters. Our efforts are not just about exploration; they are a beacon of hope for families who have all but given up on finding their loved ones.

Our journey is also a stark reminder of the disparities faced by communities of color, who disproportionately represent the missing. As we traverse the South Branch Chicago River and dive into the heart of the city, we are confronted with the sobering reality of these disparities. Our mission transcends the physical search; it’s about raising awareness and advocating for equity in the attention and resources devoted to all missing persons, regardless of their background.

As we prepare to dive deeper and explore further, we’re reminded of the importance of meticulous preparation and the power of technology in aiding our search. Each car we discover, each potential clue we unearth, is meticulously documented, ensuring that no detail is overlooked. Our dives are not just searches; they’re a meticulous examination of the past, a quest to bring long-awaited answers to the surface.

Join us as we continue our search in Chicago, where each day brings new discoveries and the potential to change lives. Our commitment to solving these cold cases drives us forward. We invite you to be part of this journey, to witness the unraveling of mysteries beneath the waves, and to hold onto hope as we seek to bring closure to families across the nation.

Thank you from all of us here at Adventures With Purpose for watching, liking, commenting, sharing, and subscribing.
Jared Leisek-Adventures With Purpose Founder

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🎬.. Watch Other Cases We’ve Solved
SOLVED: Missing 23-years Underwater
(Samantha Hopper, 22-month-old Daughter Courtney, Unborn Baby)

SOLVED: 💔 Missing 24-year-old Jacob VanZant Found


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34 thoughts on “UNDERWATER SECRETS: Missing Person(s) Search in Chicago!”
  1. Stop…we have had a shooting epidemic for decades in this city…most resources are thrown at that…it has jack shit to do with race when it comes to missing persons. We scoured the neighborhoods and projects relentlessly looking for the Bradley sisters. Get off your high horse making it racial.

  2. on google maps at "Richard J. Daley Park Boat Launch" im pretty sure your camper and trailer are actually at that boat launch on the day google took the picture. go look and tell me what you think.

  3. The audacity of commenters telling him that the whole race comment is not true when it’s a proven fact. It shows alot of who you are. How dare you tell someone something is not true even if it’s their opinion! Scary .

  4. Chicago is a rough city. The gangs are killing eachother every day and as long as they do it on “their side of town” no one seems to care. That’s why they don’t use resources to find them, they just don’t care.

  5. Why make this racial, I could say that Chicago has the most shooting deaths from blacks shooting blacks and I know of several Detectives that just don't go "Well black person… blaa" That's BS. I love what you guys do, but that entire section is crap, as most people has stated here, missing is missing.

  6. Less than 60% of the US population is of white European ancestry. If 40% of missing people are minorities, then the proportion of missing people tracks closely to the ratio in the general population.

    Please remember, that one sort of expertise (like diving and sonar) doesn't necessarily confer expertise in other disciplines (like mathematics.)

    Also please remember, that Chicago in particular is run by the most blinkered, insular, self-referential, and self-righteous type of progressive ideologue, and has been for decades. The last Republican elected mayor in Chicago was in 1927. If there is a problem allocating resources in Chicago, it is entirely the responsibility and the fault of exactly the same people whose job it is to loudly complain about misallocation of resources.

    They don't care if resources are allocated properly, as long as they are in control of the allocation process and can directly benefit from it.

  7. I hope you guys can come to Boston MA and check the Charles river.. there’s been many males who’ve been found throughout the years but what’s bothersome is law enforcement claims there’s never any foul play. Makes me wonder how many people are still unaccounted for in that river. It’s saddening.

  8. This channel started by cleaning up lakes and rivers and it morphed into searching for missing people which is great but I wish you guys would pull out these cars not just for environmental reason but they're less objects that you or other groups will come across when looking for missing people

  9. The comment about Race is upsetting because it's NOT True. You're in Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Black the Superintendent of Police Chief Larry Snelling is Black they're who decide where resources are allocated. Even the Chicago DA Kim Foxx is Black who decides what cases should be prosecuted

  10. Come on Doug you know it's not as simple as race some stories blow up while other cases get no resources it's usually a class thing more than a race thing. Secondly it has to do with politics meaning who runs the area where the person goes missing

  11. good chat at the beginning Doug, i am forever horrified at facts and figures to state the differences between groups of folk that go missing, people of colour, sexual orientation and so on – but as we begin to find the things that go on within the police forces, i am disgusted by what i hear, especially when i hear of the kind of things going on – the crimes committed within our forces is horrendous and these people are meant to be keeping us safe, ok so it might well be a minority but the damage it does to the reputation is beyond a joke, here in the UK we have had murders, rapes, officers who have been pointed out and not made an example of for remarks made to female and/or gay staff for example, comments on social media, even posting images of victims that should never be seen, its just so sad – the systemic implications are now off the scale, but thankfully getting sorted, many officers are being found out and dismissed from duty (i hope they never work again)
    i know many officers possibly come from a military background (as my own father did, now retired) and generally come from the lower ranks, its still regarded as a job with a high stability, upstanding members in their community, a respectful career, but as these officers are these days expected to perform miracles in order to go through the ranks and make good pay, they are under immense pressure and i do get it, and for some with good relations in the ranks there are ways of getting to the top even if it means fiddling the figures, i am not suggesting anything, because i do know for fact it goes on
    an example i will share from my experience would be in education, the university gave me very high grades, even in subjects i hated and was not good at, it reflects in favor of the university to show good students with high grades to make them look good and to ensure they keep their jobs and the budgets coming in each year, but that actually reflects badly on me (but i don't matter do i?) and the same goes for many groups of people, i for one really do not care if you are black white, gay, lesbian, bi, or other, as long as you are a good descent person we should all be treated in the same manner, with respect and dignity, it costs nothing

  12. I have the idea the piles are completely connected and I mean Albeit each to its own, too many in one area almost as if ridding of evidence. The bridge too, just not all connected like the piles. The piles are if “ I got this spot I know we can use

  13. When did awp become race related? You can't just look at the race of the people missing %. You have time figure the general population of a region, the race crime statistics. If an area is predominantly black and the crime statistics indicate more crime is comited by blacks than your going to have more blacks missing its population related not color related. Honestly I'm disappointed this subject would even be a thing on this Chanel. I'm starting to dislike Doug more n more. I typically skip videos with him in them.

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