VANISHED: Tracing Savannah’s Steps Back Home (Day 3)

VANISHED: Tracing Savannah’s Steps Back Home (Day 3)

Savannah, a 22-year-old daughter, sister, and friend, remains at the heart of our search here on Day 3. Her disappearance on May 4th, 2022, has left a void that we are determined to fill with answers. Today, we venture deeper into the mystery, exploring new territories and revisiting the paths she traveled.

Date of Disappearance: May 4th, 2022
Age at Disappearance: 22 years
Last Known Location: Louisiana Tower, Travis Street, Shreveport, Louisiana
Vehicle: 2012 Kia Forte

🎬.. Search Efforts for Savannah
Day 1: SAVANNAH’S LAST SEARCH: Can you die from a three-story drop?

Day 2: VANISHED AT 22: Underwater Sonar Search for Savannah

(Out now for Members – Public Release TBD)

Day 3: This Video
VANISHED: Tracing Savannah’s Steps Back Home

(Out now for Members – Public Release TBD)

Day 4 – Raw & Uncut: The Search for 22-year-old Savannah Hale

(Out now for Members – Public Release TBD)

Day 5 – TARGET LOCATED: Search Intensifies for 22 y/o Savannah Day 5

Day 6 – MISSING AT 22: The Search for Savannah Hale (Day 6)

Savannah’s Journey:
Savannah’s life, filled with dreams and aspirations, took an unexpected turn on that fateful May morning. Her last known whereabouts, a Chevron station at 6:08 a.m., marked the beginning of a series of events that led to her disappearance. The text messages she sent, filled with despair, and her final internet search about the consequences of a three-story fall, paint a picture of a young woman in turmoil.

Day 3 Unfolds:
Our journey today takes us back to Savannah’s roots, to Montgomery, Louisiana, an hour and a half south of where she was last seen. This is where Savannah spent the formative years of her life, where the roads are familiar, and the memories are etched into every corner. We explore the closest boat ramps to her home, places where she partied in her youth, and spots that may hold the key to unraveling this mystery.

A Sister’s Resolve:
Kirsten, Savannah’s sister, remains an integral part of this search. Her insights and unwavering hope guide us as we navigate through the possibilities and what-ifs. Together, we revisit the local party spots, the secluded boat ramps, and the quiet lakes that hold the stories of Savannah’s past.

As Day 3 comes to a close, our search for Savannah Hale continues with unwavering determination. Each location we visit, each story we hear, and each memory we uncover brings us closer to understanding the truth behind her disappearance. This journey is a testament to the bonds of family, the resilience of hope, and the power of a community that comes together in times of need.

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🎬.. Watch Other Cases We’ve Solved
SOLVED: Missing 23-years Underwater
(Samantha Hopper, 22-month-old Daughter Courtney, Unborn Baby)

SOLVED: 💔 Missing 24-year-old Jacob VanZant Found


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46 thoughts on “VANISHED: Tracing Savannah’s Steps Back Home (Day 3)

  1. Ignorant Canadian here… arent there alligators in the lakes in Louisiana esp around Shreveport? He never mentions them while diving or sonar and you never see any. I agree with others though theres something more to the story of the deleted locations after 7am… match up locations of sisters phone? Bf phone? Dunno. Hope they find her one way or another

  2. The day you end your life is the day you hand your pain to every person that loved you and cared about you, to carry, for the rest of their lives. Don't transfer your pain to your loved ones. They don't deserve that.

  3. Plot twist.
    Bf kills her. Googles can you die from a 3 story drop on her phone as he’s at the parking garage trying to figure out where to dump her body.

  4. In last episode , when it was said the location service were turned off, or maybe complete mobile turn off so no more pings, I immediately thought someone else had her mobile and was covering their tracks after doing something to her. The Prime subject, I wonder if the boyfriend was questioned properly, was his mobile turned off at the same time? he could have left his mobile at home so no pings at same location as her. Maybe the professional investigators need to look into it, not local dumb sheriffs..👍🇬🇧

  5. Number one how do you know Savannah is the one sending the messages how do you know her boyfriend didn’t dispose of her you said she’s texting anybody could be texting from her phone that doesn’t mean it’s her. Her phone is moving around. Maybe the boyfriend was looking for a spot to dump her body. Did you ever think about that?

  6. Judging from her Mom Tiffany that has Pot Plants and other tattoos all over her body I can just imagine the type of home life she has/had…plus out drinking with her bf and giving the camera the double finger probably wasn't the model kid. Jmho

  7. If they ever find that car, she won't be in it. The boyfriend isn't being truthful. I think the car footage they showed, wasn't her behind the wheel. I think it was a set up by the boyfriend.

  8. I'm from North Central Louisiana. Most people that I know from the Montgomery area either stay on Hwy 71 into Bossier or go over and hit I-49 North out of Natchitoches.

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  10. I think she was already dead when she was at the parking garage and "somebody" wanted to stage her death by tossing her 3 feet off the garage and when the google search said unlikely, the person was then driving around so much looking for a spot that refilling the tank was necessary. Whoever "saw" her from the store adjacent to the gas station could very well be mistaken. My spidey sense says boyfriend. The stops at the docks are a red herring. Boyfriend stated overgrowth/overgrown area where a car could be shoved back in the foliage and this was the sandy area where a truck was needed to get back there.

  11. How does she have the boyfriends phone in order to video record the messages between the boyfriend and some girl 2 hours after Fatty Arbuckles when the boyfriend is supposedly asleep until 9 a.m? And you guys and Kirstin dialed the boyfriends phone? Wouldnt his phone still be with the missing Savannah?

  12. She asked a question at the very start, can you die from a 3 story fall ? She scoped out a bridge she thought she could get off of. Now can you find it.

  13. who to say she wrote those messages who to say he was really sleeping what if they got in a fight while driving back and who knows what happened and now she missing why would some who gets lost drive that far to end there lives?

  14. I think the key is the search about dying from a 3 story bldg. I don't know if their is a bridge that is high enough to drive off maybe not one that is used today, but say an old two lane road that might be used for fishing after they built a new bridge? If she was in a suicidal mode then jumping off a high bridge weighted down would probably kill you. I don't know if it is true, but their was a video on YouTube that some people were magnet fishing off a bridge and they caught a chain and brought up a body attached. I haven't watched the video to see if it is just click bait or not, but if true. Anything is possible.

  15. I believe she only googled “can you die from a 3 story drop” because she was sitting in the parking garage and was possibly 3 stories up and was contemplating it at that moment. I don’t think it ended up being what she did because I feel someone would’ve seen her by now. Honestly, I think someone else is involved. Someone else has her phone because how else would her last location be a parking lot? Since they were able to see her deleted locations, if it was truly her that had her phone you’d have found her by now because her last location would be where she is, not a parking lot. Doesn’t make sense.

  16. This whole story has been kind of tense, but mostly I have to wonder why the police didn't do more, under staffed, or just not enough interest, either way it's scary to think any of us can disappear and be forgotten so easily, unless we're pretty, or popular, or resemble someone's loved one. Also, I keep noticing, people have problems saying "especially", I don't like that it bothers me, that along with "etcetera", they say "expressly", and "exedra", it scratches my brain ^^ I hate it.

  17. I think the boyfriend was the one driving her car in the parking garage cause he makes sure to say they dont kno that it was even her driving so he could of been driving her phone around trying to throw everyone off him

  18. Jared hoping for closure for her sister and hope you're being safe , love what you're doing for these families ❤ keep up doing good work you were God snt for to help these people

  19. In my ❤ I fill her bf did something to they were saying that her friend seen brusing on her her phone was ping at his grand parents she's probably buried there from my experience with narcissistic relationships he was mentioning her mental health what better way to rid her and say she killed her self 😢 they need to check the area of last ping he was probably the one texting on her phone not her I believe he knows exactly were she's at he did it

  20. sometimes the people that are found in their cars aren't in the water but in secluded or overgrown areas. So she may not have ended up in any bodies of water but in some unexpected area that nobody would have imagined she'd think of.

  21. coming from someone who was severly depressed and at times feeling selfharmful. 5 miles is too close to be found, specially in a small town. 5 Miles away from my house is my favorite bar. IMO if i were to unalive myself, I wouldn't want to be found, because it's selfish way out. She didn't want to be found. I personally don't believe this was an accident. The last time I went to unalive myself, 3 months earlier i found the perfect place. If the family has access to her Google timeline go back day by day (dunno if apple has the same tracking info). but that would lead you in the right direction.

  22. I get blame the BF but what about the woman he cheated with just saying could be a possibility or she could of took her own life wont know until shes found. Praying they find her soon.

  23. Guy her bf did not kill her, you guys can make him loose his life as well, I don’t think her bf had anything to do with it , but I do know and possibly think that Her bf must’ve probably felt guilty for cheating or fighting with her on the day of her disappearance, she was already going through meds and obviously wasn’t ok. I think she committed suicide because of her bf cheating and then fighting and possibly physically laying hands on eachother so she couldn’t take it anymore so she committed suicide. For those who are suffering from any mental health please don’t be afraid to talk to someone, it won’t be worth losing your life I tried to commit back in 2017 when my boyfriend at the time passed away I went into a deep mental depression and I just could take the pain.. when I woke up that night after taking half a bottle of unknown meds I was sad and soo scared I can just imagine if I did not make it that day i knew in my heart and soul that I was not going to be in peace with myself and my soul would’ve been so confused and unhappy.. please if you need to talk to someone don’t be afraid, it’s not worth it at all. I love you guys and I pray to god he heals each and every one of you who is going through any tough situation, you are worth loving and living❤️

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