WHAT? DR FAUCI AGAINST WEARING FACE MASKS – First Amendment Audit – Amagansett Press

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

By elboriyorker


50 thoughts on “WHAT? DR FAUCI AGAINST WEARING FACE MASKS – First Amendment Audit – Amagansett Press”
  1. Which is it Dr Fauci…. did boss buddy Bill Gates give you new orders You’re supposed to be the doctor. I don’t wear one

  2. If you believe the official government stories, you're likely believing this one.  Here's the short version. 

    A Chinaman at a wet market ate bat soup that was so powerful,  it created communist dictates in 187 nations,  put over 220 mlilion small businesses out of business,

    stripped away the freedoms of 7.7 billion people, globally created the largest poverty increase in world history and increased the wealth of billionaires by over 25% and the governments of the world must feverishly generate fiat currency to

    generously give tens of trillions of dollars to a handful of pharmaceutical corporations and banks to manufacture EBAs, purchase mortgages as bankruptcies and foreclosures were foreseen, 

    and vaccination research can be accomplished to make a vaccine laden with neuro toxins for every man, woman and child on the planet.  The End.

  3. Wasn't this back when people were buying out all the masks and there was a shortage for healthcare workers? Nice clickbait though. lmfao

  4. The left were telling us masks don't work back when I wore a mask, yet still caught it, in February 2020, before they said it was a threat. Then the same clerk who refused me service for wearing an open faced motorcycle helmet for 'covering my face' (note: OPEN FACE helmet) now refuses me service when I don't wear a mask. I have a lumberjack beard, so I can't get a seal on a mask and will not shave over a freakin' flu I've already gotten. But I'm the problem.

  5. He changed his story 5 times in a month. This is all a fraud that's why the death rate of America is lower than last year, the flu death rate (COVID) is lower than the seasonal average and every single person I personally know that has had it, all in their 50's, got over it in a week. FAUXCI

  6. The fact that he posted this when he did says a lot about his character. The fact he still has it up says even more. He's not protecting our 1st amendment rights, he's a narcissist looking for attention. He obviously doesn't care about our constitutionally protected right to life.


  8. everywhere you look in america theres people not wearing masks the virus gets passed thru droplets in your breath for this guy to say masks dont work is beyond me.that guys killed people by saying that..

  9. I’m curious 🧐 how many people who see wearing a mask as a choice whether the government mandates you to wear one or not also agree that abortion is a persons right to choose as well or is there a double standard? Seems red states love to have their choice when it comes to masks 😷 knowing it can save lives to do so but don’t like people having the choice to abortion and claim they want to save lives. If the choice to not save lives is ok then why not carry that same message across all aspects of life? It’s hypocritical. Do you want to save lives or not? That’s the choice you make when you choose to wear a mask 😷 or not wear a mask. You don’t wear the mask so much to protect yourself. You wear one to protect others because it’s more effective that way unless you use an N95 mask then you will also protect yourself. Then they will try and convince people it doesn’t save lives just to justify their choice with junk science 🧬.

  10. If the people infected need to wear a mask to slow the spread and some people do not even know they are infected . I say wearing the mask is still a good thing . So wear the dam mask.

  11. Love most of your videos but this is an outdated clip where his intent was to save masks for the medical community, where it was needed most. At the end of the clip he mentions the shortage, and that was truly the reality for our country. I couldn’t buy masks until June but I’m okay with that because they only had enough to give them to the front lines. At this point, outside of medical issues with masks like yourself, there is no reason not to play your small part in preventing the spread. I think of my father who would most likely not survive a covid diagnosis, and I feel many other people might be in my shoes. I can respect medical proclivities, but everyone else please mask up. They’re cheap, and they’re not that bad when you get used to them. Please be cautious and courteous if you can.

  12. What refutes science?
    Better science.
    Not your religion.
    Not your favorite politician.
    Not your half-baked opinion after watching two you tube videos.

  13. The same Fauci who said churches aren't safe but tinder dating is safe from covid, lol. He'd probably say condoms aren't necessary either.

  14. the masks are the NWO's way of telling you to muzzle yourself, there will be long term health effects from this, for sure

  15. Please add date this was aired. Sounds like it was before cloth mask guidance when they do not want hospital to be low on masks

  16. "Those young and healthy people who currently walk around with a mask on their faces would be better off wearing a helmet instead, because the risk of something falling on their head is greater than that of getting a serious case of Covid-19."

    – Beda M Stadler, Swiss doctor – former director of the Institute for Immunology at the University of Bern, a biologist and professor emeritus.

  17. To post this without any context – especially the date of the interview – is simply an attempt to mislead. You deliberately left out the fact that this statement was made many months and many deaths ago. You chose to also leave out the many, many subsequent statements Fauci has made since then, along with every single public health expert, about the value of wearing masks in the fight against covid. You're no more honest than the subjects of your typical videos, people you think deserve public exposure and condemnation.

  18. Man I used to always watch your channel every video…. A person like you, fighting for "our" rights is first to neglect HIS oath to the constitution… classic. In the preamble of the constitution it says you have the responsibility to promote the general welfare of the US citizens. Being an American means a lot more then just living here. You rights have responsibilities, looking out for your fellow man is written in there before any of the Amendments. Sad that's lost on so many.

  19. I agree with what Faucci is saying here but he is so inconsistent. He said one thing one day and another thing the next day.

  20. Hoax video! This interview is from March 8- back before they knew how it spread & when they needed to preserve PPE for healthcare staff.

  21. Here's the thing.
    You can have it and not know it.
    You can be spreading it and not know it.
    In countries where people wore masks without having been told to, the cases either never spiked, or they dropped and stayed low.
    It is pure ignorance to not do something as simple as wearing even a bandana, panties, i really don't care what it is, as long as it's better than mesh.

  22. I believe that the mask issue is not about the virus but it's about taking our rights away!
    I also have to say that this original video was made back in May and the good DOCTOR is such a flack he has changed his mind so much you think it's a revolving door!

  23. This was solely advised to prevent a shortage for the ones who needed it the most.At that time there was major supply problems for front line workers.Also there was no evidence to suggest that this virus was asymptomatic.Think logically.If its possible you have it and don’t know it…you are much more likely to spread it.To prevent that a mask is a no brainer.

  24. Masks were NEVER about protecting you and others from a phantom virus. It was always about OBEYING the government no matter what.

  25. In Germany they said the same ago 4 month.
    But only because there werent enough Masks XDDD
    I think this is an Old Interview….

  26. On April 3, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reversed its earlier position on the use of face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic and announced that it was now recommending that people should wear face coverings in public, citing new studies on the transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19.

  27. This is a low blow for shitty clickbait views. This video is old and a lot of misunderstood information has come to light. It's fine to do first amendment audits with your son, but don't start coming off as some kook conspiracy theorist. That's a good way to lose your sub count…. quickly.

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