Adolf Hitler: From Obscurity to Power | Hitler’s Power, Ep.1 | Documentary

Adolf Hitler: From Obscurity to Power | Hitler’s Power, Ep.1 | Documentary

How did Adolf Hitler go from being a nobody to such a powerful figure? This documentary sheds light on Hitler’s rise and the beginnings of his propaganda policy.

Hitler went from being an unknown soldier to a notorious dictator. The key events and people that paved Hitler’s path to power are explored in detail in this documentary, along with Hitler’s early influence and manipulative tactics. From his beginnings in Munich to his participation in political movements and his gradual takeover of the NSDAP, this documentary reveals the dark secrets behind Hitler’s rise to power. It shows how Hitler used propaganda, violence and his charismatic rhetoric to cast a spell over millions of Germans and lead a nation into the abyss.
Delve into the terrifying story of Adolf Hitler and the mechanisms that made him one of the most feared dictators in world history.

00:00 – Introduction
02:00 – The beginnings in Munich
05:00 – Hitler’s propaganda tactics
10:00 – The founding of the NSDAP
15:00 – The putsch and its consequences
20:00 – Hitler’s time in prison and “Mein Kampf”
25:00 – Reconstruction of the NSDAP
30:00 – The final seizure of power

#hitler #documentary #germanhistory #history


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Further videos on criminals and crimefighters:
┕ Mossad: Israel’s Secret Warriors | Ep 4 | Full Documentary
┕ The Third Reich: A dying empire | Hitlers Circle of Evil Ep.10 | Full Documentary
┕ Himmler the Henchman of the NSDAP | Hitlers Circle of Evil Ep.7 | Full Documentary
┕ The Rise of the NSDAP | Hitlers Circle of Evil Ep.1 | Full Documentary
┕ The first fail of the Nazi Party | Hitlers Circle of Evil Ep.2 | Full Documentary
┕ Evolution of Evil: The Story of Kim Jong-Il and Mao Zedong

Interesting links and sources:

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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23 thoughts on “Adolf Hitler: From Obscurity to Power | Hitler’s Power, Ep.1 | Documentary

  1. Out of all the documenters i have seen over the the years at the age of 42 , The statement stating, you as a person have to make an important decision. To completely disengage from society and public life. and although you don't have to agree with every thing that is going on, it shows your dedication overall for your country. This journey that I am on is very difficult and needs to be addressed in solitude. War fighters understand that my mind set is still that of an infantryman.

  2. WRONG, the only diff. betwee nazis & communism was rather than a global or pan-european 'workers unite' they were pro-ethnic germans & accepted some private capital as needed for their war machine, BUT still was all about a massive government, control of everything in everyday life, control of media, thought, speach, it was an outgrowth of the left – same as mussolini – he was the marxist editor in chief before founding his own italian version. The ONLY reason they called far right not on left was during ww2 the western allies didnt want to lump our allies at the time soviet union as the same. Also see di esh d'souza's talk, he explains clearly also nuremburg laws came from where ? Democrat policies in america in the south of the blood rules. Yes leftys your idols he ce if open your eyes u see cultural marxism, same think, cencorship, jailing opposition …..
    Whereas the true meaning of the far-right is extreme individualism, minimal government inteference, almost no social safety net, this is right wing not big government is a huge lie

  3. Support from the rich, selling an agenda to rural voters, denouncing globalization, gaining support from te working class and a scared middle class . . . hey, that sounds so familiar!

  4. Phony Dpcumentary Simce YT Began 1992-93 So much has changed. Same Busted old Tune. Millians Jew He Killed. How was he came to power and become oratar,

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