What happened to the Jews in Ausschwitz and how does a survivor describes the life in the concentration camp?
In 1944, Ausschwitz was a central concentration camp for Jews in Germany. Now, victims of Auschwitz have the opportunity to talk about the horrific experiences they went through as Jews. The motivations of the perpetrators are also explored in more detail.
Learn more about the experiences of the survivors of Auschwitz and the motivations of their torturers in our documentary !
#jews #history #documentary
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Interesting links and sources:
0:00 Auschwitz: Surviving the Holocaust
14:28 Inside Auschwitz
41:45 Surviving Auschwitz
** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **
I hope god’s forgive us what we do or did to each others
Awful lot of survivors of a 'death camp.'
Oyyyy vey the gaysss chamoyr