Evolution of Evil: The Story of Kim Jong-Il and Mao Zedong

Evolution of Evil: The Story of Kim Jong-Il and Mao Zedong

In this episode all eyes are on these two men: Kim Jong-il and Mao Zedong

He’s a man born into power. He tortures and executes hundreds of thousands of his own people with his finger held closely to the button. It’s North Korea’s Kim Jong-Il.
A man with insatiable desire for power and fame. A man raised to be a dictator. A man who let his people suffer while he lives the high life with imported women, booze and the worlds finest foods.

On the other side: Supreme Leader of China for almost 3 decades, his merciless policies made him one of the most ruthless tyrants of the 20th Century. A communist leader obsessed by power and violence, a sadist intoxicated by others’ pain; and a dictator convinced that politics had to be violent. He presided over the deaths of more people than Hitler and Stalin combined. The Chinese Chairman Mao Zedong.

#evolutionofevil #maozedong #kimjongil

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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24 thoughts on “Evolution of Evil: The Story of Kim Jong-Il and Mao Zedong

  1. Yo how come they didn't due Che Guevara or Pol Pot this series of evil dictators and leaders are awesome I never take history but it's interesting like watching,listening and feeling the type of energy but that won't change me I hope y'all been focussing on y'all self,love y'all self and be happy and always put God above everything🙏🔥💯

  2. I don't think these are dishonest documents, do you think that only the leaders of the West are good, the nature of capitalism kills so many people, and over the centuries. You use the media to distort things and turn good deeds into bad, just as in the 1990s you also used this method to deal with the Soviet Union.

  3. Why are you re-releasing your documentaries by combining with another?
    With the way you put them together, I thought you were going to make comparisons of the lives of the dictators you already talked about.
    This was a clickbait and a way to make your videos longer for more ads.

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