How Hitler brought the Nazis to Power | Hitler’s Power, Ep.2 | Documentary

How Hitler brought the Nazis to Power | Hitler’s Power, Ep.2 | Documentary

Hitler and the Nazis consolidate their power in Germany. From Hitler’s appointment as Reich Chancellor in 1933 to the manipulation of the Weimar Constitution and the introduction of the Enabling Act, the documentary shows the strategies and tactics used by Hitler and the Nazis to achieve their total control.

The documentary sheds light on the role of Joseph Goebbels and Nazi propaganda, the reactions of prominent contemporary witnesses such as Max Liebermann and the brutal methods used by the Gestapo. It shows how the Nazis and Hitler systematically eliminated political opponents, set up concentration camps and kept the population under control through fear and deception.

Find out more about the background to the Reichstag fire, Hitler’s secret meetings with military leaders and the propaganda stagings that strengthened his public image. The documentary offers a deep insight into the perfidious methods used by Hitler and the Nazis to secure and expand their rule.

Don’t miss this important historical documentary about the darkest chapters of German history and the mechanisms that brought Hitler and the Nazis to power.

#documentary #hitler #ww2 #worldwar2 #germanhistory #germany

00:00:00 – Hitler’s Appointment
00:02:46 – Reichstag Fire
00:03:21 – Concentration Camps
00:06:21 – Enabling Act
00:19:56 – Night of the Long Knives
00:24:46 – Anti-Semitic Policies
00:27:28 – 1936 Olympics
00:37:10 – Rhineland Occupation


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┕ Adolf Hitler: From Obscurity to Power | Hitler’s Power, Ep.1 | Documentary
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┕ The Rise of the NSDAP | Hitlers Circle of Evil Ep.1 | Full Documentary
┕ The first fail of the Nazi Party | Hitlers Circle of Evil Ep.2 | Full Documentary
┕ Evolution of Evil: The Story of Kim Jong-Il and Mao Zedong

Interesting links and sources:

** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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20 thoughts on “How Hitler brought the Nazis to Power | Hitler’s Power, Ep.2 | Documentary

  1. Hitler's niece also committed suicide but was successful. There was talk at the time that their relationship was sexual. You'd have to be a real creep to mess around with your sister's child.

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