Russia’s turbulent history shows a series of devastating wars and merciless rulers. From the rise of the Bolsheviks to Stalin’s deadly purges – power and violence shaped Russia and the Soviet Union for decades.
1917 marked a turning point when Lenin and the Bolsheviks seized power by force in the October Revolution. The chaos led to a civil war in which Trotsky founded and brutally formed the Red Army. Stalin later establishes a cruel rule characterized by famines such as the Holodomor and massive purges. The Second World War brings new challenges as the Red Army fights against Nazi Germany and eventually takes Berlin. After the war, the Soviet Union remains a global superpower, embroiled in proxy wars and the Cold War, before suffering a humiliating defeat in the Afghan War and finally collapsing.
Documentary: Russia’s Wars: Soviet Union | Ep. 2
#russia #stalin #coldwar #sovietunion #worldwar2
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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **
Can’t imagine living there during this time. My dads side was from Russia
At least leon did field checks during the Russian civil war.Unlike stalin who hid in his dacha during the early phase of operation barbarossa
There are no permanent allies but USA and Britain are unbreakable.
The most criminal genocidel nations of the times like the Germans, British, Israëlis are saying that Stalin Was mass Killer
Excuse me Trotsky good looking? This guy is needing glasses checked
The homelessness industrial complex in California is being used as an infiltration to gain power for the leftie govt.
He called them the German 5th army and nobody caught it that made the documentary
34:09…also at 34:18 who or what is that person in back left of the photo
Nice documentary but you omitted the moon race
Why not a single word about the annexation of Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina from Romania by the USsR? That was also in the Ribbentrop Molotov Pact…
Soviets had more casualties than that in the Winter War. Just saying….
Some poor and obsolete judgements from 1960-s, like"Stalin refused to believe warnings of the German invasion and banned war preparations". And this is just one example. Almost all archives are declassified and they still use all this cold war era narratives from 50 years ago historical books.
The people were not Russians. The people Stalin starved in 1932 & 1933 were not Russian, they were Ukrainian. How Russians treated Ukrainians is why Ukraine fights today.
This is what happens when one man takes control of the government
The Bolshevik Revolution was a Jewish Zionist extremist Revolution in Russia and even Putin refer to this huge mistake.
No mention of Jewish leadership for Bolshevism
Horrible Barry Obama ads!!! I hate him. He hates America.
Amazing how they control everything. Not that long ago a polish communist jews was the CEO of google. Dont believe? Look at her family.
How can you tell the story without talking about the Settlement of the Pale? Those "russian" leaders were not russian but askanani jews. Jews are some of the most racist people in the world. The lies they tell to win your empathy are out of this world. If you read the tulmund and the Protocols of zoin, then how can you not see the connection? You are not allowed to question the jews cause then you are a racist. Seems like its just a way of not letting people talk about how they behave. Lets just see how they behave in the 21st century? Ww1 was the start of the state of Israel. The Ottoman Empire must be destroyed, and the Christian empire to the north must be controlled by the jews. Look at Ukraine today, who is in charge.
Dictators never care about their people, as long as they have the power the rest of their country can suffer
So, what happened to Trotsky in Mexico was just desserts.
Just because trutski looks like you (the narrator) doesn’t mean he’s handsome

The following is from a 2011 UK Daily Mail article:
An extraordinary secret archive has revealed for the first time how thousands of Soviet citizens collaborated with German invaders during World War II.
The cache of documents, some retrieved from the files of the KGB, shows how many viewed the Germans as Christian liberators – and their own masters as godless Communists.
This view was reinforced when the soldiers of the Third Reich opened up 470 churches in northwestern Russia alone and reinstated priests driven from their pulpits by Stalin.
In turn, the clergy cooperated closely with the Germans in betraying Communist officials and Jewish partisan resistance groups.
Perhaps most astonishingly, the Germans even shipped numerous mayors, journalists, policeman and teachers back to the Reich to show them the German way of life.
Europa: The Last Battle
Putin not much better. Pure evil
How many people did the American 'forefathers' relocate, exile, starve, and flat-out murder in the creation of their empire?
I was a young soldier stationed in Bavaria when the Iron Curtain fell. I remember the huge celebrations and hopeful spirit that seemed to sweep the world… it amazes me how quickly the lessons of the Cold War were completely forgotten and the world we have today is far worse and far more dangerous. Like Hegel said, the only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.
Funded by bankster cabal.
Stalin the devil incarnate.
Stalin should had been kept at bay during WW2, as he proved to be as bad hitL3r- untill he was attacked.
Most definetly not allowed to sit w/t Allies.
Then the 'cold war' wouldve been 'luke warm'.
Churchill tried to warn all.
20th century witta USSR/Rus thouch
I rest my case…
Jews loaded with cash were sent from USA to start the Russian revolution. The bolshevik command came loaded from the USA…
AntI-bolshevism by NAZISM!
Tsarist Russia was such a nice and happy place for everyone to live in, that there was a revolution to overcome it!
Has the word socialism not been demonised and lied about enough ?
The ignorance of these speakers is stupendous.
Pluto in taurus energy.
Killing both real and imaginary enemies… you were not even allowed to think,to harbor any other opinion save that shoved your throat!
Stalin was simply amoral… emotionless, not discrimination between Man and animal
OMG. Still historians are calling it paranoia. What a simplistic analysis.
Don't omitt to credit Moa, who killed more chinese people than Stalin did Russians, and started before he did.
Such as these are nit the danger, its the stupid who will fall for it.
And danger now. Stomaczar is the 'communists' boy, or, rather the Green-Red Alliances dictator apprentice.