In the years following the end of the Second World War, Germany experienced a period of disorder and uncertainty. Its people endured extreme conditions, often with little hope for a brighter future. Many Germans were compelled to seek new ways to ensure their survival. Driven by hunger, numerous women placed themselves in perilous situations, venturing out of town to obtain food through trade. Sadly, it was not uncommon for them to become victims of sexual assault and rape during these dangerous journeys. The chaos extended beyond the general population, as post-war life posed significant obstacles to law enforcement, particularly in Berlin, where gangsters and criminals sowed discord in the midst of turmoil. Traumatized and burdened by their painful past under the Nazi regime, the darkest aspects of human nature were revealed, leading to the commission of terrifying and heinous crimes.
The documentary Crime in Post-War Germany shows how strained life was between 1945 and 1949 in the four occupied zones. Using the example of individual, particularly serious criminal cases, like in Dresden where a wood collector comes across the severed legs of a person or in Hamburg, where the so-called rubble murders terrify the whole city.
Criminal psychologists and forensic experts set out to search for clues and analyze the brutal crimes. Historians and witnesses describe the state of emergency of the late 1940s which ended with the founding of two German states.
Documentary: Crime in Post-War Germany
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Further videos on criminals and crimefighters:
┕ Dresden 1946: The Mysterious Case of The Cannibal | Crime in Post-War Germany | Documentary
┕ The Third Reich: A dying empire | Hitlers Circle of Evil Ep.10 | Full Documentary
┕ The Rubble Murders of Hamburg after World War 2 | Crime in Post-War Germany | Documentary
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┕ The first fail of the Nazi Party | Hitlers Circle of Evil Ep.2 | Full Documentary
┕ Evolution of Evil: The Story of Kim Jong-Il and Mao Zedong
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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **
A repeat from elsewhere
Watch Hellstorm (Genocide of the German people)
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