Russia is characterized by powerful personalities and significant conflicts. Power struggles and legendary battles have been part of Russian history, such as the wars of the tsars.
The early wars of the tsars, Peter the Great with his first great victories, Catherine the Great and her expansionist policies as well as the devastating consequences of Napoleon’s campaign against Russia are the central themes of this documentary. Brutal tactics, political intrigues and tireless endeavors made Russia a great power. The revolution that ended the Tsarist Empire and paved the way for the Soviet Union is another focal point of Russian history.
Documentary: Russia’s Wars: Tsarist Russia | Ep. 1
#russia #history #tsar #russiahistory
0:00 – 2:07 The Rise of the Czars
2:07 – 6:01 Peter the Great
6:01 – 10:50 The Great Northern War
10:50 – 14:56 Catherine the Great
14:56 – 19:27 The Russo-Turkish Wars
19:27 – 24:51 The Napoleonic Wars
24:51 – 34:50 The Crimean War
34:50 – 39:14 The Russo-Japanese War
39:14 – 43:06 The 1905 Revolution
43:06 – 47:00 World War I
47:00 – 51:37 The Russian Revolution
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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **
russian history begins from 9th century and not 16th
Where is the 7th war under Elizaveta Petrovna ?
The British and French forgot about Petropavlovsk 1854. They forgot how they got hit on the nose in the Baltic and in Murmansk during the Crimean War.
Disgusting documentary, Western historians seem to teach history extremely poorly.
The west never misses a chance to look down upon Russia. Evident from this video as well.
Russia and Southeast Asia will RISE
Is it mentioned that Britain funded Peter to fight the Swedes?
Trouble – tzars was in 1547-1721 its 174 years only
The first Russian ruler to be officially crowned and solemnly proclaimed the title "Tsar" was Ivan the Terrible in 1547.
Peter I is the last Russian tsar and the first emperor.He assumed the title of emperor in 1721 after signing the Treaty of Nystad, which ended the Northern War with Sweden.
What about Catherine the Great and the horse…you know…
What a pile of bs ! Whatever is called Russia now has been the part of Mongols horde – the “ Kozaks” were Ukrainians – farther west and a party of western civilization which Muscovite mongol state and its tsars had nothing to do with
Yes, we are ruthless and barbarians, be afraid of us.
Israel, England… is looking around
Russland er under guds beskyttelse og Russland kommer alltid til existere , ingen kan ødelege russisk nasjon
guds nasjon
22:54 The same fate awaits NATO in Russia.
2024: NATO’s invasion into Russia ends in the defeat of NATO, and accelerates the demise of the United States Empire.
Before I watch this video. Does it explain the financing of the revolution from Wall Street and other American capitalists?
The Lee Enfield did NOT have a range of 1000m
"Experts" on Russia

Rusian history so interesting
It's a competition to me. But all the power in the world. Japan defeated Russia.
oh, these western historians who read the Russian official books
let me tell you that your entire knowledge is on the level of the 10th grade high school student
. so funny to listen to all these professors reminds me of school days 
Should have started with the Ruryk dynasty instead of the Romanov dynasty. Ivan the Formidable.
And it's "Tsaritsa" not "Tsarina"
Lenin did not just arrive by chance at that time. He was smuggled in by Germany to jump start a revolution and take Russia out of the war.
10:50 ice-free?
The writer clearly has never been to the baltic
Nation of garbage
we don't need your western explanation our RUSSIA.

whomever is in charge of russians public affairs he is good lots of Russian proganda on youtube
If the point that is said is true, my troath is tickest cut it lol.. good storry for good readers.. but the points and contest is fake.. thanks
Just so it is clear Poltava was not Ukrainian, but Russia . Lol
It's funny how the best rulers of Imperial Russia were actually female AND German.
What a nonsense
Warning: This is a German publication. So, don't expect truth about Russia.
This strikes as commissioned and covertly financed documentary by the intelligence services or at least funded by dire Russophobes: there are too many insinuations references to paint the Russians as genetically savage, born to detroy and inferior to the West; same old cliches to sell the next WWIII such as "Lenin did not consult "his allies" but terminated WWI on Soviet side" (so now Lenin had France as an ally…who thought???), Poltova was Ukranian (Wkipedia lists that Ukraine actually became a state briefly in 1919) and the whole allegation that since the Peter the Great the Russians were obsessed with Crimea begs a question: what morons have actually designed this doc???/
Y la falta de alimentos la provocaron los enemigos de Rusia.enemigos de Dios enemigos de l Iglesia El Santo Zar representaba todo .y tenían que destruirlo pero destruyeron Rusia como un cuerpo al que le cortan la Cabeza se pudre.
Hoy 17 de julio VIVA EL ZAR NICOLAS II. Todas las guerras se las impusieron al Santo Zar Nicolás II.y lo destruyeron a base de mentiras calumnias y difamaciones.el fue un governante magnífico los historiadores deberían ser honestos cuando cuentan las cosas lo japoneses fueron de lo más imprudentes el Zar sufrió indecible le por las consecuencias.nadie lo escucho en sus propuestas de paz .todos ocultamente traicionaron al Zar.tenian el Zar más bueno. Todos la mayoría lo engañaron lo despreciaron en lugar de apoyarlo nadie ama a Rusia como el Zar
Alemania no pudo con el Santo Zar que estaba a punto de vencerlo en la próxima ofensiva.entonces comenzó a difamar contra la Zarina y al final envío a Lenin en un tren vomo un bacilo de Suiza para arrasar Rusia eso fue.
Perdón pero aquí hay mucho error y muy grave. El Santo Zar Nicolás II no fue culpable de la masacre .Gapon lo preparo todo para que ocurriera aquello los tiranos fueron ellos .todos los causantes del desastre de Rusia.en tristisimo.que todavía los que cuentan la historia sigan anclados en las mentiras y calumnias contra el Zar que no era estúpido. Y no había nadie en quien confiar el domingo sangriento lo provocaron los enemigos engañaron a.unos pocos que les.creyeron su intención destruir fianza en SU ZAR EL GOBERNANTE MAS HONESTO Y BUENO saludo desde España
Poltava is Russia
fortress and no such thing as UKr until 1991 which is 30+ years now and you’re talking about history of 300 years ago, UKr was just a region of Russia
until 1991 they were given independent after the fall of Soviet Union. So stop trying to change his and stop adding Russia
on the real history and don’t remove anything.
All your European experts had seizures, stupid