What it Takes To Be a Good Cop (In a Bad World) Part 1
#cops #fitness #police To try Effective Fitness for $1 for 30 Days: https://www.effective.fitness/a/2147502186/5XLGu3L2 This is the first in a four part series on what it takes to be a good…
Philly Finest City Wide Law Enforcement News
#cops #fitness #police To try Effective Fitness for $1 for 30 Days: https://www.effective.fitness/a/2147502186/5XLGu3L2 This is the first in a four part series on what it takes to be a good…
Since I’m learning about vlogging my life away, I figured I’d include you all in my efforts at “getting back in shape.” It’s not even new year’s but I’m trying…
All cops should train brazilian jiu-jitsu! Well, at least according to Mike and Dave. Not only do we think all cops should train, but we think BJJ is for everyone.…
Dear overweight and out of shape cop isn’t just about cops. It’s about those interested in pursuing a career in law enforcement and really for anyone who wants to be…
In the latest OFF THE CUFF Podcast Mike and Dave get fat shamed by personal trainer Marc P. while drinking whiskey. We’re pretty sure it’s a super food, though. If…
I have made strides recently in maintaining a more disciplined/healthy lifestyle in both diet and exercise. Recently, Relentless Defender Apparel and Millecor Supplements came up with the idea of Officer…
#TeamMike and #TeamDaniels is officially on! We were in Houston on 6/22 with Aaron from Relentless Defender and Jason from Millecor to kick off our charity fitness competition. We used…
In this week’s fitness vlog update I explain the why and how of this fitness challenge for me! Stay motivated and disciplined with us on our band group: band.us/@odvsmtc RELENTLESS…
In this upcoming 90 Day fitness challenge where we will be trying to better ourselves using the “Cooper Standards” (1.5mi run, 300m sprint, pushups, situps, vertical jump) we want to…
The latest update in my fitness challenge with Officer Daniels! I’m learning about how little details can hopefully make a larger impact in a cumulative way both with my approach…
In my experience, cops make the same excuses regularly for why they won’t start or they quit Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I brought in one of my professors, Angelo Popofski, to…
unhealthy eat habits among cops is a serious issue, the amount of junk food they consume is obvious. They should also care about their love life, and stop hogging all…
That’s one way to stop a pursuit lol! www.mikethecop.tv www.sheepdognation.com ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **
That’s one way to stop a pursuit lol! www.mikethecop.tv www.sheepdognation.com ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **