Karen Brags About Calling Cops, Then Gets Triggered
Karen Brags about calling the cops, then gets trolled. Send videos you’d like to see featured on the channel to Realjamesfreeman@gmail.com The videos on this channel are for the purposes…
Philly Finest City Wide Law Enforcement News
Karen Brags about calling the cops, then gets trolled. Send videos you’d like to see featured on the channel to Realjamesfreeman@gmail.com The videos on this channel are for the purposes…
This video is for news and education purposes If you would like to address any questions or concerns with this government entity, you can do so at Roswell Independent School…
#publicfreakout #crazywoman #angrywomanatGarbageTruckdriver Woman Angry at Garbage Truck Driver Turn into a Chicken. A dispute occurred between a women and a garbage truck driver that appear to be over a…
James Freeman does First Amendment Audits, Cop Watch, cop block, asking cops the same questions they ask us, and more. With Live PD and Cops being cancelled, James Freeman is…