Where Do the Politics of Reparations Go From Here?
This week, the first congressional hearing on reparations in nearly 12 years was held on Capitol Hill. As the discussion on reparations matures, what needs to happen politically for the…
Philly Finest City Wide Law Enforcement News
This week, the first congressional hearing on reparations in nearly 12 years was held on Capitol Hill. As the discussion on reparations matures, what needs to happen politically for the…
The little-known back story of the hotel where Republican’s gathered in Baltimore last week is how it embodies all the unjust policies that have created record wealth inequality in the…
Democratic presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are practically the only major politicians supporting a wealth tax to reduce inequality and fund government programs, even though polling shows nearly…
The Real News takes aim at the top 5 mainstream myths that bolster income inequality and tout the ultra-rich. Director: Dwayne Gladden Audio Engineer: Taylor Hebden Camera Operator: Adam Coley…
The concentration of wealth in the hands of a select few has become a global problem that poses a threat to the basic functioning of our societies. According to a…